Donnerstag, 19. November 2015

Vegan ginger cupcakes

todays post is again something yummi ( haha I think I create and try way to much reciepes).
As for me Christmas without ginger isn´t really Christmas. Mhhh do you smell the yummi gingerbread smell??  I thoght that I would bake something that is traditional Christmas
I was looking for a vegan reciepe for ginger muffins. As I have never ever made gingerbread or cupcakes before, I was very suprised when I found a simple and quick reciepe by Jamie Oliver. yeah!
I changed some ingredients as I couldn´t find the, and I had no soy milk an yoghurt at home.


  • 350 gr  plain flour
  • 2 Tbsp baking powder
  • 1Tbsp ginger
  • 1 Tbsp of cinnamon
  • 220 ml of vegetable oil
  • 120 ml coconut milk (or soy milk)
  • 5-10 walnuts

How to do:
1. mix everything together
2. crush your walnuts and add them to the dough
3. put the dough into muffin forms
4. heat your oven to 180 degres and bake the muffins for 10-15min,

if you like dark chocolate then melt some 70% cocoa chocolate and use it as topping for you ginger cupcakes 

have fun & enjoy!

P.S: Here you can get the original reciepe and the reciepe for the icing. I did not make the icing as I don´t like it.